SCI Papers
Roy Proulx S., Leduc A., Thiffault N., Ameztegui A. (2023) Tree size drives growth interactions in mixed mature stands of black spruce (Picea mariana) and tamarack (Larix laricina). Forest Ecology and Management.
De Cáceres, M., Molowny-Horas, R., Cabon, A., Martínez-Vilalta, J., Mencuccini, M., García-Valdés, R., Nadal-Sala, D., Sabaté, S., Martin-StPaul, N., Morin, X., Batllori, E., Ameztegui, A. (2023) MEDFATE 2.9.3: A trait-enabled model to simulate Mediterranean forest function and dynamics at regional scales, Geoscientific Model Development Balde B; Vega-García C; Gelabert PJ; Ameztegui A; Rodrigues M (2023). The relationship between fire severity and burning efficiency for estimating wildfire emissions in Mediterranean forests. Journal of Forest Research. Simon D.C; Ameztegui A (2023) Modelling the influence of thinning intensity and frequency on the future provision of ecosystem services in Mediterranean mountain pine forests. European Journal of Forest Research. In press. 2022
Tumajer J; Serra-Maluquer X; Gazol A; González de Andrés E; Colangelo M; Sangüesa-Barreda G; Olano JM; Rozas V; García-Plazaola JI; Fernández-Marín B; Imbert B; Coll L; Ameztegui A; Espelta JM; Alla AQ; Campelo F; Camarero JJ. (2022) Bimodal and unimodal radial growth of Mediterranean oaks along a coast-inland gradient. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 327, 109234
Miezite LE; Ameztegui A, De Cáceres M, Coll L, Morán-Ordóñez A, Vega-Garcia C, Rodrigues M. (2022) Trajectories of wildfire behavior under climate change. Can forest management mitigate the increasing hazard? Journal of Environmental Management 322, 15: 116134 Gelabert PJ, Rodrigues M; Vidal-Macua JJ; Ameztegui A; Vega-García C. (2022). Spatially explicit modeling of the probability of land abandonment in the Spanish Pyrenees. Landscape and Urban Planning 226:104487 Ameztegui A; Rodrigues M; Granda V (2022) Uncertainty of biomass stocks in Spanish forests: a comprehensive comparison of allometric equations. European Journal of Forest Research 141:395-407 Annighöfer P; Mund M; Seidel D; Ammer C; Ameztegui A; Balandier P; Bebre I; Coll L; Collet C; Hamm T; Huth F; Schneider H; Kuehne C; Löf M; Petritan AM; Petritan IO; Schall P; Bauhus J (2022) Examination of aboveground attributes to predict belowground biomass of young trees. Forest Ecology and Management 505(1): 119942 2021
Alcasena F; Rodrigues M; Gelabert P; Ager A; Salis M; Ameztegui A; Cervera T; Vega-García T (2021) Fostering carbon credits to finance wildfire risk reduction forest management in Mediterranean landscapes. Land 10(10), 1104
Ghadban S; Ameztegui A; Rodrigues M; Chocarro C; Alcasena F; Vega-Garcia C (2021) Stand structure and local landscape variables explain shrub and tree diversity in Mediterranean forests. Sustainability 13(21), 11658 Ameztegui A; Morán-Ordóñez; Márquez A; Blázquez-Casado A; Pla M; Villero D; García MB; Erra MP; Coll L (2021) Forest expansion in mountain protected areas: trends and consequences for the landscape. Landscape and Urban Planning 216:104240. Morán-Ordóñez, A., Ramsauer, J., Coll, L., Brotons, L., & Ameztegui, A. (2021). Ecosystem services provision by Mediterranean forests will be compromised above 2℃ warming. Global Change Biology, 27, 4210– 4222. Gelabert PJ, Rodrigues M, de la Riva J, Ameztegui A, Sebastià MT, Vega-García C (2021). LandTrendr smoothed spectral profiles enhance woody encroachment monitoring. Remote Sensing of Environment 262:112521. Ameztegui A; Rodrigues M; Gelabert P; Lavaquiol B; Coll L. (2021) Maximum height of mountain forests abruptly decreases above an elevation breakpoint. GIScience and Remote Sensing 58(3):442-454. 2020Rodrigues M; Gelabert PJ; Ameztegui A; Coll L; Vega-García C (2020) Is COVID-19 halting wildfires in the Mediterranean? Insights for wildfire science under a pandemic context. Science of the Total Environment 765: 142793
Morán-Ordóñez A; Ameztegui A; De Cáceres M, de-Miguel S; Lefèvre F; Brotons L; Coll L (2020). Future trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services in Mediterranean forests under global change scenarios. Ecosystem Services 45: 101174 Blanco JA, Ameztegui A, Rodríguez F (2020) Modelling forest ecosystems: a crossroad between scales, techniques and applications. Ecological Modelling 425: 109030 Martin Y, Van Dyck H, Legendre P, Settele J, Schweiger O, Harpke A, Wiemers M, Ameztegui A, Titeux N. (2020) A novel tool to assess the effect of intraspecific spatial niche variation on species distribution shifts under climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 590-602. 2019
Sánchez-Pinillos M, De Cáceres M, Ameztegui A, Coll L (2019) Temporal dimension of forest vulnerability to fire along successional trajectories. Journal of Environmental Management 248:109301.
Cristal I, Ameztegui A, González-Olabarria JR, García-Gonzalo J (2019) A decision support tool for assessing the impacts of climate change on multiple ecosystem services. Forests 10(5):440 Legault S, Houle D, Plouffe A, Ameztegui A, Kuehn D, Chase L, Blondlot A, Perkins T (2019) Perceptions of U.S. and Canadian maple syrup producers toward climate change, its impacts, and potential adaptation measures. PLoS ONE 14(4): e0215511 Coll, L., Ameztegui, A. Elevation modulates the phenotypic responses to light of four co-occurring Pyrenean forest tree species. Annals of Forest Science 76, 41 (2019). Sánchez-Pinillos M, Leduc A, Ameztegui A, Kneeshaw D, Lloret F, Coll L. (2019) Resistance, resilience, or change: post-disturbance dynamics of boreal forests after insect outbreaks. Ecosystems 22(8):1886-1901. Morán-Ordoñez A, Roces-Díaz JV, Otsu K, Ameztegui A, Coll L, Lefevre F, Retana J, Brotons L (2019) The use of scenarios and models to evaluate the future of nature values and ecosystem services in complex socio-ecological systems. Regional Environmental Change 19:415-428 2018
Coello J, Piqué M, Rovira P, Fuentes C, Ameztegui A (2018). Combining innovative mulches and soil conditioners in mountain afforestation with ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) in the Pyrenees (NE Spain). Forest Systems 27 (3), e017
Sánchez-Pinillos M, Ameztegui A, Kitzberger T, Coll, L (2018) Relative size to resprouters determines post-fire recruitment of non-serotinous pines. Forest Ecology and Management 429:300-307. Ameztegui A, Solarik KA, Parkins JR, Houle D, Messier C, Gravel D (2018) Perceptions of climate change across the Canadian forest sector: the key factors of institutional and geographical environment. PLoS ONE 13(6): e0197689. Coello J, Ameztegui A, Piqué M, Rovira P, Fuentes C (2018). Innovative soil conditioners and groundcovers for forest restoration in semiarid conditions in northeast Spain. Ecological Engineering 118:52-65. Coll L, Ameztegui A, Collet C, Löf M, Mason B, Pach M, Verheyen K, Abrudan I, Barbati A, Barreiro S, Bielak K, Bravo-Oviedo A, Ferrari B, Govedar Z, Kulhavy J, Lazdina D, Metslaid M, Mohren F, Pereira M, Peric S, Rasztovits E, Short I, Spathelf P, Sterba H, Stojanovic D, Valsta L, Zlatanov T, Ponette Q (2018) Knowledge gaps about mixed forests: what do European forest managers want to know and what answers can science provide? Forest Ecology and Management. 407(1):106-115. 2017
Ameztegui A, Gil-Tena A, Faus J, Piqué M, Brotons L, Camprodon J. (2017) Bird community response to shelterwood regeneration system in mountain pine forests of the Pyrenees. Forest Ecology and Management 407(1):95-105.
Ameztegui A, Cabon A, de Cáceres M, Coll L (2017) Managing stand density to enhance the adaptability of Scots pine stands to climate change: a modelling approach. Ecological Modelling 356:141-150. Ameztegui A, Paquette A, Shipley B, Heym M, Messier C, Gravel D (2017) Shade tolerance and the functional trait - demography relationship in temperate and boreal forests. Functional Ecology 31(4):821-830. (Data available at Dryad) 2016
Ligot G, Ameztegui A, Courbaud B, Coll L, Kneeshaw D (2016) Tree light capture and spatial variability of understory light increase with species mixing and tree size heterogeneity. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46:968-977
Solarik KA, Gravel D, Ameztegui A, Bergeron Y, Messier C (2016) Assessing tree germination resilience to global warming: A manipulative experiment using sugar maple (Acer saccharum). Seed Science Research 26(2):153-164 Martín-Alcón S, Coll L, Ameztegui A (2016) Diversifying sub-Mediterranean pinewoods with oak species in a context of assisted migration: responses to local climate and light environment. Applied Vegetation Science 19(2): 254-266. Annighöfer P, Ameztegui A, Ammer C, Balandier P, Bartsch N, Bolte A, Coll L, Collet C, Ewald J, Frischbier N, Gebereyesus T, Haase J, Hamm T, Hirschfelder B, Huth F, Kändler G, Kahl A, Kawaletz H, Kuehne C, Lacointe A, Lin N, Löf M, Malagoli P, Marquier A, Müller S, Promberger S, Provendier D, Röhle H, Sathornkich J, Schall P, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schröder J, Seele C, Weidig J, Wirth C, Wolf H, Wollmerstädt, Mund M (2016) Species-specific and generic biomass equations for seedlings and saplings of European tree species. European Journal of Forest Research 135(2): 313-329. Ameztegui A, Coll L, Brotons L, Ninot JM (2016) Land-use legacies rather than climate change are driving the recent upward shift of the mountain treeline in the Pyrenees. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25(3): 263-273. Sánchez-Pinillos M, Coll L, De Cáceres M, Ameztegui A. (2016) Assessing the persistence capacity of communities to natural disturbances on the basis of species response traits. Ecological Indicators 66: 76-85. Lambert J-B, Ameztegui A, Delagrange S, Messier C. (2016) Birch and conifer deadwood favour early establishment and shade tolerance in yellow birch juveniles growing on sugar maple dominated stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 46: 114-121. Talluto MV, Boulangeat I, Ameztegui A, Aubin I, Berteaux D, Butler A, Doyon F, Drever CR, Fortin M-J, Franceschini T, Liénard J, McKenney D, Solarik KA, Strigul N, Thuiller W, Gravel D. (2016) Cross-scale integration of knowledge for predicting species ranges: a metamodeling framework. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25(2): 238-249. 2015 & before
Ameztegui A, Coll L, Messier C (2015) Modelling the effect of climate-induced changes in recruitment and juvenile growth on mixed-forest dynamics: the case of montane-subalpine Pyrenean ecotones. Ecological Modelling 313: 84-93.
Ameztegui A, Coll L. (2015) Herbivory and seedling establishment in Pyrenean forests: influence of micro- and mesohabitat factors on browsing pressure. Forest Ecology and Management 342: 103-111. Ameztegui A, Coll L (2013) Unraveling the role of light and biotic interactions on seedling performance of four Pyrenean species along environmental gradients. Forest Ecology and Management 303: 25-34. Ameztegui A, Coll L, Benavides R, Valladares F, Paquette A. (2012) Understory light predictions in conifer-mixed forests: the role of aspect-induced variation in crown geometry and openness. Forest Ecology and Management 276: 52-61 Ameztegui A, Coll L (2011) Tree dynamics and coexistence in the montane-subalpine ecotone: the role of different light-induced strategies. Journal of Vegetation Science 22 (6): 1049-1061 Ameztegui A, Brotons L, Coll L. (2010) Land-use changes as major drivers of Mountain pine (Pinus uncinata Ram.) expansion in the Pyrenees. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19 (5): 632-641. Books/Book CHapters
Cervera T, Rabascall X; Baiges T, Porras D, Palero N, Ameztegui A, Vega C, Rodrigues M, Alcasena F, Vayreda J, Casals P, Beltran M, Ballart H, Gili I, Lizarralde I. Impacto de la gestión forestal en el balance de carbono. En Cervera, T.; Baiges, T.; Rabascall, X.; et al. 2022. Metodología de cálculo del impacto de la gestión forestal en los servicios ecosistémicos: carbono, agua y biodiversidad. Centro de la Propiedad Forestal, Santa Perpètua de Mogoda. 61 pp Górriz-Mifsud E; Ameztegui A; González-Olabarria JR; Trasobares A. (2022). Climate-smart forestry in Spain. In: Hetemäki, L., Kangas, J. & Peltola, H. (eds.) 2022. Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change. Managing Forest Ecosystems vol. 42. Springer. ISSN: 2352-3956 (electronic), 1568-1319 (print), ISBN: 978-3-030-99205-7 (hard-cover). Balzan MV, Hassoun AER, et al. (2020) Ecosystems. In: Climate and Environmental Change in the Mediterranean Basin – Current Situation and Risks for the Future. First Mediterranean Assessment Report [Cramer W, Guiot J, Marini K (eds.)] Union for the Mediterranean, Plan Bleu, UNEP/MAP, Marseille, France, pp. 323-468 Coll L; Ameztegui A; Calama R; Lucas-Borja ME. (2021) Dynamics and management of western Mediterranean pinewoods. In Gidi, N; Yagil O. (eds.) Pines and their mixed forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin. Series "Managing forest ecosystems" 38. Springer International Publishing. Switzerland. Aunós A, Ameztegui A (2019) Era evolucion des bòsqui d'Aran dempús de finaus deth sègle XIX. Terra Aranesa 16 221-228 Coll L, Márquez A, Blázquez A, Pla M, García MB, Errea MP, Montes F, Camarero JJ, Ameztegui A. (2019). Pasado, presente y futuro de los bosques de montaña (I): expansión del bosque. In: Amengual P. (Eds). Proyectos de investigación en parques nacionales: 2013-2017. Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales, Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-8014-924-2. Martín-Alcón S, Ameztegui A, Coll L (2018). Diversificación o naturalización de las repoblaciones forestales. En: Pemán J, Iriarte I, Lario FJ. 75 años de una ilusión: la restauración forestal de España. Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales. Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-491-1495-3 Villero, D., Pla, M., Clavero, M., Ruiz-Olmo, J., García, D., Coll, L., Ameztegui A., Brotons, L. (2013) El papel de las trayectorias históricas en los cambios de uso del suelo sobre aves forestales protegidas en el Parque Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici. In: Amengual, P., Asensio, B (Eds.) Proyectos de investigación en parques nacionales: 2010-2013. Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales, Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-8014-870-2. Software
neighborhood: An R package to define and characterize neighborhoods and estimate their effects on forest dynamics. Available at Author & developer. plasticity: An R package to compute several plasticity indices. Available at: an R package to compute several plasticity indices. Author & developer. persistR: R package designed to assess the response capacity of natural communities and gain insights into post-disturbance dynamics. R package, available at Contributor medfate: Functions to simulate Mediterranean forest functioning and dynamics using cohort-based description of vegetation. R package. Available at: Contributor. medfateutils: Utility functions to facilitate defining inputs (soil, species or vegetation parameters) for simulations with package medfate. R package, Available at: Contributor. medfateland: Functions to simulate hydrology, forest functioning and dynamics over landscapes. . R package, Available at: Contributor. meteospain: R package to provide access to Spanish Meteorological Stations Services. R package, available at Contributor. |
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